Stop the Violence Indianapolis, Inc. Seminar
Strengthening Families Program (SFP) is a nationally and internationally recognized parenting and family strengthening program for high-risk and regular families. SFP is an evidence-based family skills training program found to significantly reduce problem behaviors, delinquency, and alcohol and drug abuse in children and to improve social competencies and school performance. Child maltreatment also decreases as parents strengthen bonds with their children and learn more effective parenting skills.
TOO GOOD for DRUGS (Middle School) & TOO GOOD for DRUGS AND VIOLENCE (High School) – Teaches five essential social and emotional learning skills, which research has linked with healthy development and academic success:
- Setting Reachable Goals
- Making Responsible Decisions
- Bonding with Pro-Social Others
- Identifying and Managing Emotions
- Communicating Effectively
Safe Dates is the only evidence-based teen dating abuse curriculum recognized by the National Registry of Evidence-based Programs and Practices. – Highly engaging and interactive, Safe Dates helps teens recognize the difference between caring, supportive relationships and controlling, manipulative, or abusive dating relationships. Designated as a Model Program by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. In2006, Safe Dates was selected for the National Registry of Evidence-based Programs and Practices (NREPP), and received high ratings on all criteria.
Workshop sessions:
- Who Am I
- Know Self, Know Respect
- Mirror Image
- Staying Away from Hurt
- Safe Dates
- NO means NO