The purpose of community events is to provide fellowship where community can come together in unison to help eliminate any future violence that would affect the city.
“Stop the violence has helped me tremendously. We feed the hungry and help people figure out a better path than violence. Stop the violence has given me connections I never though I would have ever in my life”….
Community Member, Camille Trotter.
The purpose of neighborhood events is to go into schools, apartment complexes, and street blocks to introduce Stop the Violence Indianapolis to residents. The neighborhood events are also used to promote our community events. Most importantly, they provide a more family-friendly atmosphere.
“It was a blessing and they were glad that God uses a brother to bless them that they didn’t even know and may the Lord bless you and the work that you all are doing for the youth. We need more programs like what you are doing.”….
Sandra Bailey, Program Site Facilitator – Indianapolis Housing Agency.