Stop the Violence Seminar Indianapolis, Inc.
Young men are brought into an environment where on the job training is provided in a specific skill set (plumbing, electrical, CDL license, etc.. They are given an opportunity to not only learn about a specific skill but paid to do so. Once they have completed this training many go on to secure employment in the area in which they have been trained.
Anti-Gang Initiative goes into urban communities with a high crime rate to help young men with the will to overcome issues such as unemployment, criminal backgrounds, lack of job skills and other barriers to success. The participants consist of young men seeking a way out of the poverty mentality for themselves and their families.
By helping young men overcome these barriers, the communities in which they reside will begin to see economic growth, a reduction in unemployment rates, reduced violence and criminal activity.
* The perception of the community will change as a result of these transformed leaders.
* The leaders will continue to focus on self development while reaching back into the community to bring others along with them in positive and sustainable community.